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Dental Bonding VS Veneers

Dental Bonding Vs Veneers: An In-Depth Comparison

Are you wondering the secret to achieve and maintain a beautiful smile? If you are looking for a way to cosmetically enhance your smile, then dental bonding and veneers are two viable options for you. Both procedures will cover up imperfections, but it’s good to know how they differ in their materials, cost, and procedures.

Watch Dr. Azy Nasiry explain Dental Bonding vs. Veneers!

To determine which procedure would be most suitable for your cosmetic needs, we recommend that you consult with your dentist beforehand. Overall, veneers are meant to conceal more dramatic flaws, while dental bonding is better suited to correct minor imperfections.

In this blog post, we’ll go into more detail comparing dental bonding to veneers.


What are veneers?

Veneers are thin porcelain shells that cover the front of your teeth. They conceal gaps and correct the appearance of misshapen, crooked, or stained teeth. This procedure usually requires removing some enamel and reshaping your tooth.

Your dentist will take initial impressions of your teeth to make customized veneers for each tooth. These will be made while you wear temporary veneers. When your customized veneers are ready, your dentist takes off your temporary veneers and will seal the permanent veneers to your teeth with an adhesive.

This procedure can take several weeks over the span of several office visits, but the results are long-lasting and very natural in appearance.

Who would best benefit from veneers?

For anyone who is looking for a long-lasting cosmetic solution, veneers are the way to go. The results that come from veneers are incredibly natural looking, making it almost impossible to tell when someone has veneers.

Although this procedure is more expensive and time-consuming, veneers will be able to patch up any of your complicated dental cases. Veneers are considered a lifelong investment, since it is irreversible and requires a full commitment. Here are a list of conditions that simple dental bonding typically cannot patch up perfectly:

  • Severe stains and discoloration
  • Cracked teeth
  • Chipped teeth
  • Large gaps
  • Crooked teeth
  • Teeth that overlap
  • Eroding teeth

What are the advantages of veneers?

Veneers look incredibly natural. They are highly resistant to changes in its look over time, and even resist stains from pigmented beverages like coffee and wine, and tar stains from smoking. Veneers can last for decades or even a lifetime with proper care, making them a good cosmetic investment. With veneers, you can be confident to showcase your beautiful smile time and time again.

What are the disadvantages of veneers?

Prior to applying your veneers, your dentist will need to prepare your teeth for the application. Some enamel of your teeth will be removed to securely cement the veneers. This way, once they are on, they are on for life. Veneers are also a little on the higher price point, which makes some patients consider it twice before committing to it.

There’s one last precaution before getting your veneers. Although veneers are strong, they are still not as tough as natural teeth. As a result, you should avoid biting into a jawbreaker or cracking a crab shell with your teeth. These kinds of actions can make your veneers chip or fall off.

Dental Bonding!

What is dental bonding?

Dental bonding, also called direct bonding, uses composite resin to conceal imperfections with your teeth. Your dentist will match the color of the resin to your teeth and apply it directly to them. This procedure makes discolored, chipped, and teeth of different lengths look more uniform with the rest of your mouth.

First, your dentist will make the surface of your teeth rough so they could properly stick to the resin. Then, your dentist will apply the resin in thin layers that will be hardened using UV light or lasers. Finally, your dentist will polish the resin to make it look just like your natural teeth. It is important to note that because this procedure is not as permanent as veneers, it will eventually need to be reapplied.

Who would benefit the most from dental bonding?

Dental bonding is an excellent option for someone who only needs minor touch-ups. Instead of totally concealing their teeth, they seek to hide a few gaps or fill in a chipped tooth. Here are the conditions that make a patient a candidate for dental bonding:

  • Chips
  • Cracks
  • Minor stains
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Gaps
  • Exposed roots from receding gums

What are the pros of dental bonding?

The good news is, dental bonding can have multiple purposes. It serves as both a cosmetic and medical procedure. Not only can it improve the look of your teeth, but it can also cover exposed tooth roots that happen due to receding gums.

Unlike veneers, there is very little or no preparation needed before the operation. Dental bonding doesn’t involve removing enamel or filing down a tooth. It is only added to your tooth, making it less invasive than veneers.

Dental bonding is also quicker and more affordable than veneers. Since it is a very easy procedure, your dentist can finish dental bonding in just one visit.

What are the cons of dental bonding?

Dental bonding doesn’t look as natural as veneers, as they are not translucent. You will need to keep up with your teeth cleaning regimen carefully because the resin can stain just like natural teeth or even more.

Dental bonding does not whiten with tooth whitening like your natural teeth, so they may need to be replaced every few years when they become discolored. Similar to veneers, dental bonding isn’t as strong as regular teeth either. So it is best to avoid chewing on hard objects.

If you are looking for a way to improve the look of your teeth and get a winning smile through dental bonding or veneers, then consult your dentist today. With the advice of a medical expert, you will be able to explore all your options and decide on the best procedure for your unique dental condition.

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