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Good Treats For Your Sweet Tooth

If your dentists had their way, then candies and anything sweet would be banned. But because almost the entire world’s population has a sweet tooth, these sugary treats are present everywhere we look. They’re inside the refrigerator, on the shelves of your local grocery and even in sidewalks. So since dentists couldn’t get rid of sweets even if they tried, they’re giving out information on the best and worst candies around.

Good Treats

Sugar-free lollipops and other hard candies. These hard treats are able to stimulate the production of saliva which helps to deter the growth of cavity-causing bacteria inside your mouth. At the same time, saliva serves as natural mouthwash which can dislodge any food debris trapped in nook and crevices of teeth. And the fact that they’re sugar-free means that bacteria won’t have anything to feast on inside your mouth.

Sugar-free gum. Chewing on gum is another effect way to stimulate saliva production, and, at the same time, dislodge whatever food particles that might be stuck in between your teeth. Another function of saliva is that it neutralizes acids that might cause the erosion of teeth enamel or the tough outer covering of teeth that leads to cavity formation. Make sure though that you pick out sugar-free gum to prevent tooth decay. Better yet, pick out chewing gum that contains xylitol, an alcohol sugar, which reduces the risk of tooth decay.

Dark chocolate. Finding the word “chocolate” in this list of good treats may put a smile across your face but don’t think that you can get away with eating an entire bar of milk chocolate just yet. Chocolate may be packed with antioxidants which help to keep your heart healthy, but in order for you to get these benefits, you must be snacking on dark chocolate. The rule is, according to dentists and other medical experts, the more bitter the chocolate is then the better it is for your health.

Bad Treats

Sugary Candy. Cavity-causing bacteria feed on sugar and so gorging on treats filled with sugar may only exacerbate bacterial growth which can accelerate tooth decay.


Sticky Candy. This kind of treats will stick onto the surfaces of your teeth and are difficult to remove even if you brush your teeth. For this reason, they are leading causes of tooth decay especially when they make their way into tiny crevices.

Sour Candy. The number one enemy of dental enamel is acid, which is the primary ingredient of sour candies. Although saliva can neutralize the action of these acids, brushing right after eating or drinking something filled with acid can hasten the erosion of teeth due to the mechanical action of the brush’s bristles against the dental enamel.

Avoid candy if you can, come and visit our practice for a consultation to find out the best way to take to care of your smile.

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