If you are not happy with the arrangement of your teeth, or you don’t feel confident when you smile, you should visit your dentist and ask for dental correction. Braces are the most common dental correction procedure that every dentist would suggest.
When you talk about dental braces, you are more likely to think of metal braces. Metal braces are certainly the most common type of braces that straighten your teeth and correct other dental problems using brackets, wires, and bands. These components help to move teeth and bring them to their proper place.
With technological advancements, braces have become smaller in size, and more comfortable. They use heat-activated arch-wires that help to move teeth quicker by using your body heat.
When you decide to get braces to beautify your smile and appearance, you need to know that you may have to bear with metal in your mouth for a few months or years. Reading through this article, you might get to know what you should expect from this procedure and what unpleasant events you might have to stand.
Straighter Teeth
Metal braces are very strong and usually bring desired results in expected period. Their components don’t need replacement which makes the process smooth and trouble-free. With proper use of retainer, your teeth do not leave their position for years. Once you get your teeth straightened, you feel more confident and proud of your looks.
Variety of Options
Metal braces are now available in a variety of colors and designs. You can now choose to get the basic design, with self ligating components or the lingual braces (on the back of the teeth).
You can also choose from a range of colors available in bands and brackets. Children and young people usually like to get different colors in their braces to avoid metal look and make them appear colorful.
Metal braces are the most economical option if you are considering teeth-correction. They are affordable and can get you the smile you desire, without having to pay much.
The most important disadvantage of getting metal braces is the appearance of the metal that becomes prominent when you smile. Children usually feel embarrassed and are reluctant to wearing braces primarily due to this reason.
Pain and Discomfort
Braces may cause severe pain and discomfort. Pain in the jaw is very common especially in the first few days and also when the wires are tightened. Severity of pain can sometimes cause hindrance in your daily work.
Before deciding on, it is better to look for a variety of options to choose the right braces for you. Discuss your dental problem and its possible solution with your dentist for better advice.
Remember, you don’t get anything good without having to accept it with some cons. If you planning to get braces, don’t hesitate to get metal braces. All the problems you bear with today can eventually get you a perfect smile.