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Reviewing The Stages Of Healing After A Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Reviewing The Stages Of Healing After A Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Many people have to deal with having a wisdom tooth removed. Thankfully, your dentist will be able to provide you with the best treatment possible to make sure the experience is as painless as possible. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean there won’t be any pain! Here are some common symptoms of wisdom tooth removal recovery:

Swelling Of The Gums And Face

The first few days after tooth extraction are the most painful. The swelling of your face and gums can cause pain and soreness. If you’re taking painkillers to help with this discomfort, don’t forget to take them regularly so that they work effectively. If there is any bleeding after surgery, apply pressure on the wound with gauze until it stops bleeding.

Pain Or Discomfort

If your mouth is sore and you’re feeling sick, it’s normal. The pain and discomfort can make it difficult to eat or drink. You may also have nausea and vomiting (a “hangover”).

You may need pain medication prescribed by your dentist or oral surgeon. Take the medicine as directed; if it doesn’t help, ask for something that works better for you. Don’t eat ice cream-it will upset your stomach even more! Smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol while taking narcotics increases the risk of abuse and addiction; don’t do this! If possible, avoid rinsing hot liquids into an open wound; instead, use cold water from a faucet with low pressure so as not to burn yourself (or reopen any stitches).

You’re probably not going to love the idea of taking pain medication. After all, you have a lot to do, and you want to be able to do it with as few side effects as possible.

Pain medication can make you feel tired or nauseous, so many people choose not to take any when they have their wisdom teeth pulled out. However, if you’re going through surgery like this one-and, especially if your doctor has recommended that you take some pain reliever, afterward-it’s important that your body heals properly so that there is no infection in the future!

It Takes About Six Weeks To Fully Heal From A Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure.

The healing process can vary from person to person, but it usually takes about six weeks for a wisdom tooth extraction to heal fully. The healing time depends on how your body responds to the procedure, but you must follow your dentist’s instructions closely so that your recovery goes smoothly.

In most cases, there will be pain following a tooth extraction as the tissue around the affected area heals and forms scar tissue over time. You may also experience discomfort in this area during this period and swelling or bruising under your chin where they made an incision when removing the tooth(s). In addition, some people experience headaches after having their wisdom teeth removed due to trauma caused by pulling out bone matter during surgery or simply because they were nervous about having surgery done on their mouth in general!

Healing During The Second Week

You can expect to start feeling better during this period. Swelling and pain will subside, and the gums will stop bleeding. You may also notice some bruising around the extraction site, which should fade within a week.

Eat a normal diet during this stage if you are able to do so without discomfort. Avoid hard foods for at least one week after surgery as they could cause damage to your healing gum tissue or cause infection in your mouth (which would require antibiotics).

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