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What Causes Pain In Your Wisdom Tooth?

What Causes Pain In Your Wisdom Tooth?

When it comes to dental discomfort, the problem often isn’t what we can see but rather hides behind unassuming gums; we’re talking about wisdom teeth. Imagine an unseen force causing pain, something you can’t immediately see or touch. Such is the often misunderstood enigma of wisdom tooth pain.

Pioneering the fight against such hidden discomfort, LA Dental Clinic comes into focus. Expertly managed by Dr. Azy and Dr. Arezoo Nasiry, the clinic shines a light on misunderstood pain, excelling in diagnosing and treating wisdom tooth issues. Performing some of the best Wisdom Teeth Removal in Los Angeles, the pair leads a dedicated, experienced team, making them experts in General Dentistry.

Gum Inflammation (Pericoronitis)

The arrival of wisdom teeth can lead to pericoronitis, a fancy term for the inflammation of gum tissue around the tooth. This occurs when a wisdom tooth only partially emerges, allowing bacteria to reside in the soft tissue, leading to swelling and pain. The trapped food and bacteria can cause the gum to become red and inflamed, making it difficult to clean the area. This issue is commonplace for those in their late teens and early twenties as the wisdom teeth make their first – sometimes only partial – appearance.

The discomfort can range from dull and persistent to sharp and unbearable with pericoronitis. If the tooth stays partially erupted, it creates an endless pocket for bacteria to grow. This trapped debris causes continuous inflammation, leading to chronically sore gums. It’s a condition that requires attention; left unaddressed, it can worsen, potentially affecting one’s overall oral health. Professional care often involves cleaning out the bacteria-ridden pocket and maybe even removing the problematic wisdom tooth to prevent future issues.

Infection (Pericoronal Abscess)

When bacteria and food particles build up under the gum flap, it can lead to a more severe issue—an abscess. A pericoronal abscess is typically more painful than mere inflammation because it’s an actual pocket of pus formed, a sign that the body is fighting off an infection. This incessant throbbing can send anyone straight to the dentist’s chair for relief. Unfortunately, a toothbrush and floss can’t reach into these deep hideouts of bacteria. Professional intervention is the only course of action to clear the infection.

An untreated abscess can have serious consequences, potentially spreading to other parts of the mouth and the body. It’s a situation that calls for immediate care from a dental professional. Treatment may involve draining the abscess, taking antibiotics to clear the infection, and maintaining constant vigilance to prevent recurrence. In chronic cases or when simple interventions fail, completely removing the wisdom tooth might be the best way to resolve the infection and prevent further pain.


Acquiring straight teeth can often be thwarted by a wisdom tooth pushing its way into an already crowded dental landscape. Misalignment occurs when these latecomers erupt at an unhelpful angle, causing pressure against other teeth. This can lead to what feels like a domino effect of dental dilemmas, primarily because a single misaligned wisdom tooth can disrupt the harmony of your well-set teeth. Immediate and obvious, the discomfort might prompt quick action, but sometimes the pressure is subtle, building up over time to cause complications like jaw pain or bite misalignment.

Acting upon misaligned teeth sooner rather than later can prevent a cascade of dental troubles that may require more extensive correction down the line. Typically, dentists approach the issue by removing the offending wisdom tooth, allowing the rest of the teeth to breathe a bit easier. It’s a preemptive measure to avoid a more complicated orthodontic intervention, such as braces or retainer, to correct the ensuing misalignment caused by the tooth in question.


The emergence of wisdom teeth can lead to an overcrowded mouth, with teeth vying for space on an already limited gum line. This crowding is not only noticeable visually, as teeth begin to overlap or twist, but also by the discomfort it provides. Initially mild, this discomfort can escalate, causing issues such as difficulty with cleaning, which can lay out the red carpet for gum disease, and an improper bite, which might lead to abnormal wear of teeth enamel or even changes in facial structure.

The prevention of these serious outcomes often lies in arresting the problem before it genuinely digs in. Regular monitoring by a dental professional can catch signs of crowding early, with extracted wisdom teeth being the usual prescription. This solves two issues with one action – relieving discomfort and guarding other teeth from being pushed out of alignment, reducing the probability of requiring more extensive dental work later on.

Tooth Decay (Caries)

Tooth decay, in the context of wisdom teeth, can often feel like a sneaky intruder. These molars, nestled at the very back of the mouth, are tricky to clean efficiently, and their eruption sites make ideal traps for food and bacteria. Consequently, they become fertile ground for cavities – tiny havens where acids from bacterial activity have their damaging way with tooth enamel. Pain, sensitivity, and, ultimately, a compromised tooth are often the resulting sequence if decay is left untreated.

Addressing this stealthy process promptly is usually accomplished by removing the tooth entirely, particularly when the molar’s positioning factors into the problem. Ridding the mouth of a partially emerged or misaligned wisdom tooth not only halts decay in its tracks but also spares neighboring teeth from collateral damage. While the removal can bring immediate relief, it also serves as a long-term solution, allowing for easier upkeep of dental hygiene and maintenance of the overall integrity of the mouth’s internal landscape.

Eruption Pressure

Pressure from a wisdom tooth breaking through your gums can be likened to the discomfort you feel when you have a particularly tight shoe on; it’s constantly present and increases with every step you take. This pressure is a common cause of wisdom tooth pain – just a gradual, consistent discomfort alongside the sensation of something attempting to make space where there is none. This shouldn’t be surprising, given that the jawbones have often already filled out by the time wisdom teeth make their appearance.

Counteracting such pressures often means excavating the source of the issue. In other words, extraction is frequently the recommended course of action. As with any dental procedure, the prospect of removal can be anxiety-provoking to some. However, rest assured that highly experienced practitioners are armed with an array of techniques and tools designed not only to put your nerves at ease but also to ensure a swift recovery.

Bone Resorption

Something is unnerving about hearing the words bone and resorption together. Essentially, this term refers to the body’s natural process of breaking down bone material – a normal occurrence in many parts of the body. However, when it comes to your mouth, this resorption can manifest as wisdom tooth pain. Especially when space is already at a premium, an erupting wisdom tooth can lead to bone resorption in the jaw, resulting in weakness, pain, and potentially a higher risk of fracture.

Prevention is often the best way to handle matters as significant as this. Regular dental check-ups allow you to stay a step ahead of potential concerns like bone resorption. While treatment options can depend on the extent of resorption and the overall health of the patient, the possibility of wisdom tooth removal as a way to halt this process is often on the table.

Your Comfort, Our Priority

At LA Dental Clinic, we’re more than just a clinic; we’re your partners in dental health. No more dealing with lingering wisdom tooth pain, thanks to our expert team and outstanding practice in Wisdom Teeth Removal in Los Angeles. We make the process comfortable, safe, and reliable, upholding our top-ranked position in General Dentistry. By choosing us, you’re opting for top-tier care, preventive wisdom, and a solid plan for a healthier, brighter smile.

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