What is Invisalign Express?

What is Invisalign Express?

Invisalign Express is an orthodontic treatment that is used to align a patient’s teeth in a short period of time. It is much like a typical Invisalign treatment, which straightens teeth using a series of clear alignment trays.

One of the top questions we get is “How long will I need to wear Invisalign?“, and the answer in most cases is 6 months – 2 years. But Invisalign Express is faster – it was created as an expedited version that usually comes with a treatment time of just 3-6 months. Invisalign Express is an incredibly fast way to straighten teeth and it is most commonly used to resolve minor spacing issues and mildly crooked teeth. 

Who is a Good Candidate for Invisalign Express? 

Invisalign Express is a fast, comfortable treatment that is meant to quickly and effectively align a patient’s teeth. It is often most effective for patients who only require a small amount of tooth movement. This is because it is not capable of the root movement required for straightening an incredibly crooked smile in under 6 months. Patients looking to improve minor gaps in their teeth, or mild alignment issues are good candidates. 


Most patients who get Invisalign Express have had other orthodontic treatments, like braces or Invisalign previously. Over time, their teeth have shifted back out of alignment. This can be a result of improper follow-up care, or wisdom teeth growing in. Invisalign Express is most effective in these cases. It is also a good option for patients who are preparing for cosmetic dental procedures, who want a straighter smile beforehand. 


Here’s a video of Dr. Azy Nasiry of LA Dental Clinic explaining a simple 2 month Invisalign express treatment provided to a patient who had braces when she was younger, to realign some of her teeth that had shifted – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAItNapHeHk&t=45s

Invisalign Express Treatment Process

Your treatment begins with a consultation, you meet with your dentist to discuss your needs and smile goals. At LA Dental Clinic, we would then create a custom treatment plan tailored to your specific case. We will create a 3D model of your teeth which is sent to Invisalign to make your custom-fitted plastic aligners. The aligners must be worn for 20-22h per day for the best results. These trays are changed every 2 weeks with a different set each time to slowly move your teeth into alignment. After 6 months with Invisalign express, you should see the results you are looking for. 

How Invisalign Express Works 

Invisalign express works just like Invisalign where you are given clear plastic aligners that are fitted to your smile. Traditional Invisalign treatment can take up to 2 years to complete because patients can require up to 30 alignment trays when teeth are severely crooked. 

Invisalign Express is much faster due to the fact that patients only require a small amount of tooth movement to achieve the results they desire. It uses the same process as Invisalign, with alignment trays that must be updated every 2 weeks.

Invisalign Express Treatment Time

Typical Invisalign treatments take between 20-30 alignment trays to reach the intended results. With Invisalign Express, patients only require up to 5 trays. On average, it only takes 3-6 months of treatment time, vs Invisalign which can take 6 months to 2 years to complete.  

Invisalign Express Aftercare 

This treatment will straighten your teeth quickly, however, your teeth can shift back out of alignment if you do not follow proper aftercare procedures. For the best results, patients should wear a retainer for at least 5 months after treatment, to prevent shifting and misalignment. It’s also a good idea to visit your dentist for regular checkups and teeth cleanings

Cost of Invisalign Express

Invisalign Express is generally less expensive than Invisalign, due to the shorter treatment time, and fewer aligners needed. It ranges in cost from $2200-$3799 in Los Angeles. 

The cost of Invisalign express includes the treatment duration, all necessary office visits, and up to 5 plastic aligners. The cost depends on your personal treatment case and the best way to get an accurate idea of the price is to visit your dentist for a consultation. If you’re interested in comparing prices, you can check out our post on the cost of Invisalign in Los Angeles.

Invisalign Express in Los Angeles

At LA Dental Clinic we offer both Invisalign and Invisalign Express treatments for patients looking to get a straighter smile. If you are thinking of aligning your smile or you have questions about treatment, our team is happy to help. Contact us or call to learn more. 

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